You must understand that what Yahweh did in the days of Moses four thousand years ago—all of those ten plagues that Yahweh brought upon Egypt and destroyed the firstborn—was a type and a sign. It was also a fact that Yahweh caused Israel to be delivered. So, all of those plagues of destruction were used to deliver Israel four thousand years ago. All of that was a SIGN that Yahweh would use His mighty power today to deliver us and to deliver His most precious Son, Yahweh Ben Yahweh, who is the type of Moses. So we have that proof and evidence as we celebrate Passover.
This is the day of Yahweh Passover, His Judgment Day. This is the Day of Yahweh Ben Yahweh. This is “His” day: Yahweh Passover. That is what we are experiencing, . . . . We are living in the most dynamic period in six thousand years of history, because what you are witnessing now from four thousand years ago as a type, today is the Final Judgment Day—NOT ONLY FOR AMERICA, BUT THE WORLD.