The Book of the Month is suggested reading for
you who choose to study the “Divine” Mind of
Yahweh Ben Yahweh.
The Widow's Son Raised
The Widow's Son Raised

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The Widow’s Son is a “euphemistic” title for the so-called Black people of America, who are the Tribe of Judah, the chosen people of God, Yahweh. The Widow’s Son is also a full representation of the allegory described in Ezekiel, Chapter 37, as the “Valley of the Dry Bones.” The Widow’s Son depicts the condition of the so-called Black people of America who are spiritually blind, deaf, dumb, ignorant, and dead to the knowledge of their “true” history, culture, language, name, land, and God.

Yahweh Ben Yahweh will assemble and gather The Widow’s Son together awaken him from his mental death, and restore him to life, causing him to have hope. And He will elevate him to a higher position (in the mind) as the godhead, the children of light, fashioned and prepared to take his rightful position as the righteous rulers of the world.